
Privacy screen

(Michael) It all started with desire for a little more privacy during those "adult swims" in the hot tub. We worked on a design for a couple of weeks. In this pic I put up a some boards to allow for a better understanding of what we wanted.

(Janice) I always know in my mind, what I want, but trying to put that on paper, or explain it with my professional verbage, such as "thingee" is a challenge, but we have fun. We knew we wanted some lattice, but the word brings up some unfortunate memories for me, so Michael started say "lettuce" instead of lattice. It was hilarious, he would be talking really serious and refer to "lettuce" and I would just crack up.

(Michael) With a week off work and help from Sean and Janice the screen start to take shape.

(Janice) Up to this point in the project, Michael and Sean were not blessed with my incredible building skills (not!) and without me telling them what to do, I'm amazed at the progress. But it was always such a great surprise to come home from work and see all that they had done.

(Michael) I put Sean to work on the much needed step. He did a great job. They are actually level and very solid..Great job Sean.

(Janice) Did you break a sweat Sean?

(Michael) Well, after four days and a lot of working together we finished. Janice designed the "lattice"....

(Janice) We worked from 9am until about 8pm, but we were rewarded with a wonderful new area. The only thing invading our privacy that evening in the hot tub, was the full moon. (in the sky!)

(Micheal) For now the Back yard is nearly complete. . We only have a small corner to work on.

The next project is the building a side deck and putting the fence back up....so like a three day weekend project..


Happy 4th

Happy Independence Day 2006
(Michael) The day started with a little thunder storm and rain about 5:30 this morning. Janice and I slept in to nearly 10:30. We took the girls to Patties for breakfeast. Somehow even though everyone has a job I still end up buying. Not sure how that happen but I'm working hard trying to figure it out.
(Janice) We went to Dad's and Mark fixed us all a feast. He made shiskabobs with bacon, onions and bay scallops, Copper River Salmon, fresh corn and strawberries. I added chicken strips from Central Market and we had a really nice meal together. Everyone got their own plates, since Erin wasn't there. Mark is the bbq king! It was different than in years past, but change is good, and since there were no pyro's in attendence, no fireworks on the dock.


Compost for Dummies

(Janice) Here is the $100,000 question. Do you know what compost is? We had 3 yards delivered to spread around the yard and in all of the beds. I was really excited because it's going to enrich the soil and make everything look pretty. When I got home from work, guess what I found out. Compost is cow shit, oops, I mean "sterile manure". I thought I was in Monroe! (just kidding).

(Michael) Ok...I knew the stuff was made of BS and would stink...but the plants love the stuff.. and with the soil at our place the plants need all the help they can get.
Speaking of help, check out "Teens Working".....I think the fumes were getting to them. Sean and Morgan both needed lessons in shoveling and wheelbarrow operation..

This was a moment when who "is the boss" was being discussed....After Melissa dropped a shovel load of "compost" on Sean's foot...Morgan and he decided to let her be the boss....