
Compost for Dummies

(Janice) Here is the $100,000 question. Do you know what compost is? We had 3 yards delivered to spread around the yard and in all of the beds. I was really excited because it's going to enrich the soil and make everything look pretty. When I got home from work, guess what I found out. Compost is cow shit, oops, I mean "sterile manure". I thought I was in Monroe! (just kidding).

(Michael) Ok...I knew the stuff was made of BS and would stink...but the plants love the stuff.. and with the soil at our place the plants need all the help they can get.
Speaking of help, check out "Teens Working".....I think the fumes were getting to them. Sean and Morgan both needed lessons in shoveling and wheelbarrow operation..

This was a moment when who "is the boss" was being discussed....After Melissa dropped a shovel load of "compost" on Sean's foot...Morgan and he decided to let her be the boss....


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Brianna said...

Everytime I think about the compost event I start laughing! I can't wait to see your new yard! :)


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